Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Change My Heart, Oh God! by Myra Boozer

I love this song..."Change my Heart oh God, make it ever new. Change my heart oh God, make it more like you." It is also a great prayer. Isn't His Grace Amazing? To think that He would forgive all our sins and cast them far, far away in a sea to never be remembered. Just makes me cry when I think how my mother taught me many years ago about the love of Jesus. This love also takes away our chains, the things that seem to hold us captive and make us a prisoner. His love says NO MORE BONDAGE! His love is unending and still so amazing after all these years. I trust Him to take me on the rest of my days, however long they may be.

My mother also taught me how to cook, sew, clean house, take care of babies, and much more. However, the best thing she ever taught me was that Jesus loves me and died on the cross for my sins. She taught me to love others as myself, to be forgiving, and to pray about everything. She taught me by example, which is the most profitable way to teach.

I must share this news with you today. Jesus loves YOU and died for YOU. You too can be set free from all the struggle, from all the guilt and shame, the chains that bind, the things that pull you down and make your life miserable. They can vanish in a moment when you humble yourself and allow God to raise you up in His Holiness because He is Holy, Righteous, and Pure.

He wants to hold you in His great big arms today and make everything new. JESUS LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU COULD EVER KNOW. Put your trust in Him. He is your deliverer and He will fight your battles. You don't have to struggle any longer or carry the guilt of sin. Just surrender to the one who created you, loves you, and died for you. He wants to give you life everlasting and peace for the journey until that Day. His love is so Amazing, so rich and free. He is so full of compassion and great mercy. When all around you is crumbling and falling away, Jesus will not fail you. He is your steady ROCK, your firm FOUNDATION and soon Coming King! 

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