Sunday, June 23, 2024

Bid Me Come Lord! by Myra Boozer

Lord, seeing you, and having my focus on you doesn't always make the circumstances disappear. But, my focus and faith rise to a different level. There I can regain my knowledge of who you actually are and realize how you have every detail in your Book. You know the beginning from the end. You are in control of all that is going on in this world today.

You Lord are greater than my mind can conceive. I only get a glimpse of your greatness when I turn my eyes toward you. When Peter walked upon the waters, the winds and waves didn't cease for his delightful experience. They continued to roar! However, He was not looking at them! His focus was upon the one who called him to "come." He rose above them, but they were still there.

We must not be overtaken by the circumstances around us, and yes they seem to be quite out of hand. We wonder what will happen tomorrow? We may question the stability of everything we have ever trusted in. But, just like Peter, we can say, Lord, bid me to come to you. Call me, Lord! Lift me up out of this ship of confusion that is no longer my refuge. I trust you to be my safe haven.

Lord help my focus to be on you, not on the things that are crumbling under my feet. Help me, Lord, to step out in faith and realize that you are all I need. You are my hope, my everlasting consolation.

You are calling all who are heavy laden to come unto you! One day you will, "with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God" call us to come up to where you are to be with you forever. That is the call we long to hear. Bid Me Come, Lord! 

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