Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Day Is Coming To A Close! Part 2

John 9:4, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.”

There were many distractions for Christ’s disciples following His death. They must have been in a state of spiritual and emotional distress. The Church was a total wreck with the leaders scattered for fear of their own lives. Try to put yourself in their places. How would you feel if the same thing happen to you? I can think of a few: betrayed, fearful, denial, deserted, hopeless, defeated, disbelief, anger and the list could go on. The main point being that they had to recover from all these feelings and experiences because they had a mission to finish.

We can easily be distracted from our mission by the events happening around us each day. But, we must continue to be focused on what God is speaking to us and to the Body of Christ. God is calling us to take back what belongs to Him. It is time to take back our nation, our schools, our churches, our families and our children. We have allowed the covering or mantle of the Holy Spirit to slowly erode and thereby give access to the spirit of darkness in each of these areas of our lives.

Our nation and our schools were once covered by prayer, seeking God’s intervention into the affairs of state and the administration of the education of our children. Somewhere along the line we have let down the shield of prayer. It was not an event that happened quickly but slowly and methodically the spirit of darkness has crept into the places that the Spirit of Light ought to be thriving.

So many of our churches have become financial institutions rather than houses of prayer. The Holy Spirit is calling us back to our knees for a fresh anointing of Pentecostal power. That kind of power will only come through intercessory prayer born out of the heart of God and instituted through the Holy Spirit as He seeks the will of God through us. 

Our families are suffering because of a lack of Holy Ghost leadership in the family structure. We are losing our children because the Spirit of God is not sufficiently modeled and expressed in the family, in our churches, in our schools and in the leadership of our nation. God is calling us back to the Biblical structure of the family which directly or indirectly affects every other aspect of our lives. God wants to change all this and all he asks it that we agree with Him and join with Him. He is our answer! How will we respond? The Day Is Coming To A Close and we must finish His work! (continued)

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