Truth is our salvation! 1 Timothy 4:16, “Take heed unto thyself, and unto the
doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and
them that hear thee.” Paul had left Timothy to shepherd the Church at Ephesus.
Now he is writing to him to warn of the troublesome teachers there. These
teachers were apparently Jewish Christians who wanted to enforce the Old
Testament Law in the Church. They wanted to be teachers of the Law though they
did not understand it. 1 Timothy 1:7, “Desiring to be teachers of the law;
understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.”
the First Century as in the Twenty-First, some teachers denied that the dead
are raised. Others said that Jesus never really was human, and still, others
said He was not divine. But, the teachers Paul spoke about spent much time with genealogies, perhaps to exalt themselves as priests or descendants of David.
doesn’t matter who our ancestors are if we fail to seek out and embrace the
Truth of God’s Word, we will be lost! We may have spent our whole lives in
church but if we have not been born again (born from above) with the fruits of
the Holy Spirit in our daily lives, we cannot live in the righteousness of
Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:9, “...the fruit of the Spirit is in
all goodness and righteousness and truth;) 10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. 11 And have no fellowship with the
unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.”
is Life in the Truth! All else is vain and fruitless! The Old Covenant Law was
so mixed with tradition and fable that their teaching produced confusion instead
of enlightenment. The result was questions and vain jangling. 1 Timothy 1:4,
“Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions,
rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. 5 Now the end of the
commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of
faith unfeigned: 6From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain
jangling;” The revelation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ will not cause
confusion! 1 Corinthians 14:33, “For God is not the author of confusion, but of
peace, as in all churches of the saints.”
Timothy 4:1, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some
shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of
devils; 2Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot
is dealing with some questions in the Church at Ephesus. He was
inspired by the Holy Ghost to deliver a warning for that present time but also
equally as relevant to today. Some followers of Christ had already turned
aside. (see 1 Tim. 1:6) Unless Timothy could counteract these “soldiers of
deception,” more would depart from the faith in the time just ahead. They would
give in to seducing spirits and be deceived! They would accept and teach
doctrines of devils instead of teaching and living the Truth of God.
Paul also describes what will happen to these soldiers of deception. They will follow after lies having their conscience seared over and being non-responsive to the Spirit of Truth. It is easy to go from an honest mistake to an outright lie. The carnal man will justify a half-truth to benefit selfish goals. But, such a lifestyle will move a person from attempting to follow Christ to being deceived and deceiving others. (continued)
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