Sunday, January 10, 2021

Jesus Has Made Our Escape Plan! by Myra Boozer

Many have their heads in the sand and live in darkness to what is happening in our country. You would think that anyone could see through the agenda of the opposers of the wall. And it is NOT just about the wall, it is very deeply rooted in doing away with our ONE NATION UNDER GOD. The plan is to destroy all and anything associated with GOD and His rule because God is so offensive to them. They are of the darkness and cannot deal with the "LIGHT."

We don’t know the HATE that comes from the darkness. We have been exposed to some degree but it is not conceivable to our minds. Any people who promote the killing of innocent babies and save the turtles or (whatever) is a pretty good clue.

My greatest concern is that people are not able to discern the TRUTH. Those that are believing lies, and following after the twisted guilt trips that the left is putting on Christians...that we don't care about these people. How insane? They have come to this place to make EVIL GOOD AND GOOD EVIL.

They have twisted minds because of who they obey and it is not God the Father or His Son Jesus Christ. I have little if any hope for our country as a whole to turn back to God. Because many have allowed the "Lion" Satan to come into their homes and live with them. He has destroyed the moral fiber that held families together (the fibers of decency and respect for God and Country). NOW he can destroy the Nation.

Our HOPE is in JESUS CHRIST. As in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, the hope for the righteous was to get out before the destruction. Our escape is in the plan of SALVATION through JESUS CHRIST. He came to seek and to save those who are LOST.

written 2 years ago on this day... 

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