Many issues in our world could warrant our participation to alleviate the suffering around us. Our world is in full-blown crisis and needs an
intervention. We need the intervention of the Lord Jesus Christ. We will never
be able to do enough to address all the needs but Jesus can and will heal the
hurt of all mankind if we allow Him. What does He require? A repentant heart
and a submissive life. Jesus Christ would have us to give our all to Him so that
He can draw all men to the cross. John 12:31, “Now is the judgment of this
world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. 32 And I, if I be lifted
up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” Our message must be centered on
Jesus Christ!
Christ-centered ministry is built upon the foundation of selflessness. Jesus’ example was that of total selfless demeanor in word and deed. His concern was for the wholeness of the human race rather than His own comfort and gratification. Consequently, our future is predicated upon the delivery of the Gospel message, the message of salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for the sins of all mankind. The Gospel is the solution for the present human condition. The Gospel is what the world needs to hear. Any other message is of little effect. What the world needs now is to experience the love of God in Christ. Only the blood of Jesus can deliver from the chains of sin and death. We must approach this divine mandate in total surrender asking God the question, “What would you have me to do?” Self must die if we are to answer Him honestly. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you. Give Him your plan and allow Him to include you in His.
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