Wednesday, February 5, 2025

A Prickly Nest! by Myra Boozer

As I recall, a mother eagle pulls out all the fluff and makes the nest prickly before those young birds want to take flight. I really think God is doing that for us today! It is getting mighty hard to feel at home in this world anymore. God knows that many are fearful of the unknown and leaving the place we have grown accustomed to is not highly favored or on our bucket list.

When you wake up and hear of so much hatred and evil happening all over the world even in your own hometown, you wonder what will happen next! It's just not a safe and peaceful environment anymore. Too many angry people are fighting to voice their opinion and do their thing no matter who it hurts.

People are arguing about politics and politicians as though they are going to change someone's mind. It isn't really going to happen. Those who have their minds made up will continue until God shows them differently.

How can people declare to be Christian and say they are looking for the return of Christ when they condone the evil acts and deeds that plainly go against the Word of God? I don't see them changing by my conversation. It will take strong conviction for people to change.

Sinful deeds and those who condone those deeds are in the same category. It is not okay to go against the Word of God for any reason. When the Word is mocked as is being done today by people who call themselves Christian and stand for a woman's right to abortion they are denying the Word of God and putting judgment upon their heads. The word clearly states "Thou shalt not kill."

A true child of God wants no part of what is going on! Yes, God is allowing the fluff to be removed and the thorny world we live in is piercing our very souls because of the evil that is taking charge. Heaven is sounding sweeter all the time! 

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