part 1 see 2/15/25)
Holy Spirit is calling “Come wrap yourself in the power of His presence and
allow Him to perform in you His glorious works!” I am weak but He is strong. If
we allow Him to fully control our lives, we are made strong in our weakness
because our weakness is God's strength. No enemy can stand
against Him, there is no foe that He cannot overcome. There is no fortress that
can withstand Him and no opposition that He cannot vanquish. Come, come to Him
now, and allow him to wrap you in His mantle of authority and shelter you from
the storms ahead.
hear the rumbling in the distance, the sound of a mighty army moving into
position. It is a well prepared force, each warrior is in his place and
prepared to do his duty. There is no fear in their number because they have
been washed clean. Though their sins were as crimson, their raiment is white as
snow. And there is one with them whose eyes are a flaming fire and He is
clothed with a vesture dipped in blood. His name is the Word of God! Out of His
mouth comes a sharp sword to smite the nations and rule them with the rod of
Truth and He tramples the wine-press of the wrath of Almighty God. He has on
His garment and on His thigh written the name, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
At His appearing every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that JESUS
Today, we stand at a pivotal point in the history of this world. We are at the jumping-off place! We can either turn and run into the mercy and grace of God or continue down this evil and disobedient road right into the plans that Satan has for us and those who follow along with us. Those plans are for our eternal destruction. Those plans will lead to a world ruled by the Prince of Darkness as he unleashes the demons and devils of hell to do his disastrous work. Turn while you have the opportunity. That door is already closing! How much time do we have?
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