me clean Lord and help me to see my motives in all I say and do. May my
thoughts and actions come from you and not from any legalism or idea that I may
have gathered along the way. Sometimes our concept of how to get your attention
may not be what you want to hear at all. It is not necessarily the one that
sings the best or has the best testimony of deliverance. Those things can make
us feel good in our own eyes but distract us from what you're really looking
for in us.
Men watch us and judge us by what they see and hear. But You Lord, You judge our motives. It is not always in our accomplishments that we get your attention but in our weaknesses, in our deficiencies. It is in that time of facing defeat that we cry out for your mercy and standing all alone we become very real with YOU. We need you to be very firm with us because our days are running out and we are coming to the DAY when we will stand before you the Righteous Judge and hear you call our Name. Our deeds will be judged righteous or wicked. I want to be clean and acceptable in your eyes Lord. We cannot hide under a cloak of pretense. It will not matter what we or anyone thinks of us but what you know about us. I want to be real with you Lord...never fake or phony...but genuine and pure...Amen. Lord Jesus, Be Real In Me!
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