I sense your Life Giving Water is flowing so freely for all today...I see it
sparkling in your light with beauty as it flows from your Throne...I can hear
the sounds of freedom splashing against the banks...It is calling one and all to
come and drink and be filled with this rich and powerful Life Giving Source.
call is going out to the stranger who has never seen or tasted of your True and
Living Waters...Those whose god is Religion, not Salvation through the Grace of
Jesus Christ...Those who wander through this life and exist on mere fables and
call is to the prodigal who once tasted and thrived but then decided his own
path...Who has forfeited the treasures of joy and peace that only your waters
can bring because of a seemingly better way.
call is to the stubborn who think they have no need of you...Those who think
you don't exist and insist on denying you...They accept the counterfeit water
offered by a worldly system.
call is to the churchgoer who stands in the congregation weekly, offering up
praise from a heart that doesn't know you personally...
call is to the man or woman who stands behind the pulpit and has no real
connection to Your Holy Spirit...Who just reads the words from their notes and
tries to make it pertinent to those who are dying from rhetoric.
call is to the husband or wife who has lost their love for their family because
of lust and desire to be with someone that belongs to another...
call is to the youth today, those who are searching for love and
acceptance...Those who desire family and a home where love and Truth
call is to the addicted, those who have sold their very soul to this trap and
they can't get out...Freedom is available through the precious blood of Jesus...
call is to the congregation of people who attend services of programs and
rituals that have replaced the Word of God being preached in the Spirit of
Truth and Power of Your Resurrection.
call is to those who have lost their passion for you Lord...Those who no longer
desire to be in Your Presence and feast at your table...
call is to the deceiver and the one who is striving so hard to convince someone
else that Good is Evil and Evil is Good...
Lord, I pray that those who have ears to hear will hear and not only hear the call but heed the call. Many souls are thirsty in a dry, desert land...But there is a River that flows from your Throne to fill all who will come and drink of Your Water...Only Jesus can give this gift that every soul desires...Come Drink Living Water!
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