Tuesday, April 13, 2021

One Call Away! by Myra Boozer

In 2017 I posted a video that was dedicated to our Law enforcement officers. That video was entitled ONE CALL AWAY and very touching as scene after scene shows the dedication that those people have for ALL who are in danger. It shows the bravery of those officers, to put their own lives at risk to save the life of the person or persons who are in life-threatening situations.

It so made me think of our little Superhero, who from the time he could talk has talked about helping people, saving people, rescuing people, every day that he is here at NanaPapa house. I think many are called of God for this job. How could they do it otherwise? It is not for the coward, the weakling, or people who think only of themselves. Only the truly dedicated person will sacrifice their life to save others. Their motto seems to be, “We will gladly answer your call!”

It is heartbreaking to hear of people who don't want to listen to them. Some don't want to give their ID or respond with any respect or obey the laws that are given for our protection. You might think well, "Why should the Officers care?" It is because they care for mankind. Whoever you are and whatever your status, they care for you and your well-being.

It is time to respect and honor those who care for your life on earth, and for Jesus who came to rescue the perishing, the lost, those dying a spiritual death and must have His intervention. He also is just ONE CALL AWAY. "Call to me and I will answer thee," Jeremiah 33:3a. JESUS, who came not only to rescue you from the evil one but also came to give you ETERNAL LIFE. So much more than any mortal man or woman could ever provide for you.

Many are not listening to His call. They don't want to give their ID or respond to Him with any respect. They have disregarded His laws and turned to their own way of living life. You might ask, “Why would He care?” Because you are the creation of God. You are valuable to Him! He loves you and not only did He risk His life but gave His life for you. He has come to rescue you from eternal punishment. ALL will face that punishment that does not turn to Him in repentance. Hell is a place that no one can really comprehend. It is a place of torment, a place prepared for the devil and his angels, a place from which there is no escape. It is the place where all whose name is not written in the Lambs book of life will be cast. It is a lake of fire...much different from a burning car. It will burn with fire day and night, forever. No one has to go to that place! Jesus paid the price for all to escape! Those who remember Jesus is ONE CALL AWAY.

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