Friday, April 12, 2019

Lord, Help Me Drop The Honey Jars! by Myra Boozer

I am reminded of a picture of Pooh Bear out on a limb with all his Honey Jars. The rain is beginning to blast him hard. Now, what is Pooh to do? Drop the jars and forget the honey? Safety is most important at the moment.

I thought this is us when the "Rains of Life" come falling down upon our heads. We want to get all our "Honey Jars," our stuff and find a dry, safe, and secure place high above the water. But remember Pooh is out on a limb.

Now I don't know about you but I have lots of Honey Jars, the stuff that is my favorite, the stuff that is most important. Wow, if I carried all my stuff, it would surely break the limb off and down I would go.

As the Rains of Life begin to fall, we will have to make some heavy decisions about our stuff. If we are to climb higher with the Lord, we can't carry everything that takes so much of our time and our thoughts. Physically, it is not possible to climb a tree with something in our hands. I know because I have watched my granddaughters grasping for the next limb as they climbed as high as they could in Nana's dogwood tree. They could not have carried anything. They would have fallen out of the tree.

Getting rid of material things is usually difficult when letting them go away from our sight. You know the things we've accumulated, stacked and stored for years. Just not an easy task to part with, but why do we keep them? If they serve no purpose, it is time to let them go.

I do know that leaving behind the past, the hurts, the anger, the resentment and burdens that have no place in our Tomorrow. They are not needed. They are baggage that could actually cause us to be overtaken and sink in the flood waters that are spiritually coming upon this world.

I may not have valuable treasures, but anything that my hands are holding to, that takes away my ability to climb higher with the Lord is just not worth it. I can not allow anything to keep me from finding that safe and secure place in Him. 

Lord, I don't want anything to hinder me...My spiritual safety is most important at this moment...It is beginning to rain harder. Lord Help Me Drop The Honey Jars.

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