Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Righteousness Exalteth A Nation! by Myra Boozer

America started out with a humble respect for God and the point of saying "In God We Trust" on our money and "One Nation under God" in our pledge to the flag. We are a far cry from where we started out. Men have devised their own way and left God out. I believe God wants all people everywhere to acknowledge Him and He will Bless those who do. He alone will judge the ways of man. He will discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serves God and him that does not! Psalm 9:17 "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and ALL the nations that forget God." Psalm 33:12 "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people chosen for his own inheritance.” Proverbs 14:34 "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is reproach to any people.” Each believer has a challenge before them to rise in the face of our enemy and say we proclaim the Truth of God’s Holy Word as revealed to us by His Holy Spirit.

Are we a Christian Nation? Do we want to be a Christian Nation? The statement has been made that we are a "post-Christian Nation." Does that bother you? What can we do about it? There is actually only one thing I can do and that is "Be Christian," be who I am and do everything in my power and ability to live out my Christian values as my heart convicts me. I can not change the world, I can only change me and my choices. I refuse to stoop to the level that the world is it insane or ridiculous to is my duty as a child of God to stand my ground and give my life for what I believe to be truth...if you agree or decisions are not based on your feelings but upon the dictates of my own conscience. I must stand by those or why would I even claim to be a follower of Christ.

I think we are really no longer a Christian nation because many who call themselves “Christian” have decided to “make the rules” instead of "God Rule." When we do not follow the dictates of our heart with God being our rule then we have no rule. We only do what is best or most appealing to us and our own desires. This leaves God out of the picture all together...even if we call ourselves Christian, we are not.

This nation is now calling evil "good" and good "evil" which does not line up to being a Christian nation. How can we look at any other people and call them bad when we are killing our unborn babies by the millions?? I will not wait to be called a Christian nation before I take my stand. As a Christian individual, I must stand for God and His rule in my own individual life. I am bound by the promise I made to Him as a child to follow Christ to the best of my ability understanding of His Holy Word. I cannot speak for anyone other than myself.

The day is here that what we “CLAIM” is not enough. What we “ARE” is what is going to count. If my belief does not affect every part of my life it is not my belief, only my profession. A country is only as good and strong as its people. Pastor Carter Conlon stated, “The United States of America has been warned. Our shunning of God will have a consequence. Already our rejection of TRUTH is leading to social, moral, financial, and political breakdown. Violence is sadly reaching alarming portions. Yet in the midst of it all, we still have a chance to embrace Jesus Christ. His heart and His arms are still open, though quickly fading from our collective view. For those of us who know God, we must NOW call out for His mercy to remain.” We must have people living holy lives in order to have Christian homes, Christian schools, and a Christian Nation. Do we really want a Christian Nation? Then we must turn out lives over to God.

Our God Jehovah is a God of Freedom.. “Freedom is not the right to do as you please, but the power to do as you should.” Until a people or person sees their need of God they will continue on the path they have chosen, but the end will be devastating. God please protect the innocent in this Country and open the eyes of all who are in the valley of decision, trying to decide if they are Christian or NOT...time is running out...We just can’t have it both ways...

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