Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Yield To The Master's Direction!

A gentle wind blows across the grassy lowland today. The tall blades of grass sway back and forth as the wind caresses each one. It is as though each individual stem is engaged in a perpetual dance with the Creator. First this way and that way, around and around, up and down. It is such a beautiful scene to observe but how wonderful it would be to participate.

And, we do participate! We are engaged with our Creator in this beautiful production we call life. The orchestra plays and we move to the music much like the wind blowing upon the grassy field. The wind of life influences each and every movement, first this way and then that way, around and around, up and down.

God is the Grand Conductor of this beautiful experience. He is in control of it all. However, each participant must yield to the Master’s direction and respond to each command. Then, we become part of the Master’s grand presentation, every movement synchronized, and every note in perfect harmony. Oh, what a glorious sight to behold and exquisite sound to hear, each note and each movement drawing closer and closer to the crescendo and finale. Up, up, up, our spirit rises! Higher than ever before and then...we see the face of God!

What will you do with your opportunity to engage in the Master’s grand production? Are you faithfully rehearsing and preparing for the final performance? Or, have you been slack in your duty and commitment? Maybe even cast aside your instrument and it lies motionless and useless gathering dust in a corner somewhere?

You cannot proceed without the Master’s directions! Though you may have been absent, distracted, or focused on other things, the Master still holds your place. He always has a vacant chair for you, no auditions and no competition, just come to Him. He loves you! He will counsel, guide, and support you. He will prepare you for the final performance. Follow Him and you will be ready for the Finale! Just Yield To The Master’s Direction!

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