Thursday, June 27, 2019

Take Authority Over The Darkness! by Myra Boozer

Satan wants us to carry every trivial little problem until it grows so huge that it breaks us down...He wants us to be so covered over by it that we can't see the light of day...He is a LIAR and the father of lies...but for some reason, we just keep letting him talk...and talk he will as long as we give him an audience.

Time to take authority over any and all voices that tell you there is no hope. It seems that so many are hopeless today. So many troubles, trials, sicknesses, and heartbreaks. My heart is often grieved and broken for all the little children who are sick and in the hospital facing life-threatening problems. Children who are missing, as I view pictures of them putting on a face of maturity but they are only children. Then there are those who are left behind because of losing a parent due to suicide. Last year as I listened to the Attorney General of Alabama give the story of his beautiful wife and all her struggles before she killed herself, my heart broke for him and the daughter standing beside him. How will they go on from the day when they will lay her body to rest?

Yes! Our hearts are broken over the multiple deaths that happen daily all over our nation... some because of anger over, no doubt some trivial happening. Something that grew in the mind that the person didn't take authority over.

We cry out, “Lord when will our country wake up and quit all this hate and evil that spews from so many?” Many adults talking like silly children, trying to threaten people because they want to get their way in this game of life.

There seems to be a great shadow of darkness that is hovering over this world like a giant blanket. It is coming because many people have let trivial things bring them so low that they could not stand up in Faith and take authority over it.

NO, it isn't easy to take authority over the darkness but we must! We must pray continually for GOD to push back the darkness!! Jesus is LIGHT...He is HOPE...He is PEACE. Don't allow all the sorrows of this world to pile up on your heart and break you down. Take them each one to the LORD! He knows our every concern and He can help us deal with all the turmoil of our day. 

Resting in His POWER to push back the darkness is the key to making it! Jesus gives us the strength to go on until HE COMES! Encourage one another with the FACT He is COMING SOON!

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