Thursday, August 3, 2017

A Revelation Of Our Future!

Ephesians 5:17, “Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. 18And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

We must experience a Divine revelation of our future. We need to understand what God has planned for us as individuals. We need to see ourselves from God’s perspective. Now, we can know is very general terms what God’s ultimate purpose is for us. We may have identified already our gifting or calling. We may know that God has called us to be a pastor, evangelist, teacher, worship leader, musician or any number of areas to minister. And, that is wonderful that we are confident in that calling or gifting. But, do you know specifically today what God wants to do through you?

There are those who may not feel that you fit into a category of the most common areas of ministry. But, God wants to use you wherever you are if you are a disciple of Christ. God needs and wants individuals who are willing to serve right where they are. He wants Holy Ghost filled fathers and mothers who will make their calling and election sure. Thereby being the example and mentor in the home that will cause their children to follow Jesus Christ with the same fervency as their parents. There are millions of similar roles and places of service that all of us can fit into if we truly desire to serve God.

However, we must have a revelation of our future and where God wants to take us today. There is so much that the Lord wants to reveal to us if we will only position ourselves spiritually where we will hear Him. We need to know His specific plan for us today. How does He want to manifest His glory in your life today? Who does He want to bless through you today? Whose life is He going to change for eternity through you today?

In Ephesians 5:15, Paul admonished his hearers to walk diligently or to be engaged, not being foolish, but wise. The original word for “wise” is “sophos” which means “skilled.” What was Paul trying to say to us? He is admonishing us as hearers of the Word to walk diligently or be engaged by the Holy Ghost and by the Spirit be wise or skilled in forming the best plans and using the best means for their execution. It is time to lay aside all our plans and ask God to make us part of His plan.

Why? Paul said in verse 16, that we should make the best use of our time, because the days are evil. In 2Timothy 3 Paul is writing to Timothy about the last days. He describes the evil that will manifest in the last days. He states in 2Tim. 3:13, “...evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” The Word of God has warned us! This scripture is being fulfilled before our very eyes. Every day that passes the conditions in the world grow worse.

Ephesians 5:18, “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit.” We must allow the Holy Ghost to have His freedom to do God’s work in us. We can’t be distracted by the carnal environment in the world. Be full of the Spirit! “ filled with the Spirit,” that there is no room for carnal influence.

We must be about the Father’s business. Our time is getting short! We must walk diligently, be engaged by the Holy Ghost and allow Him to form in us the best plans and use the best means for execution. For that reason I offer this prayer:

Help me Lord Jesus to see Your future in me. Let me not be deterred by the noise of our secular society. There are many issues that cry out for attention but the most important ‘cause’ is the salvation of the lost. Oh, Holy Spirit sent your convicting power among us. Awaken the slumbering souls around us. Stir our churches to be yielded to Your move. Give us compassion to stand in the gap for the lost and suffering. You know every need that exists within the sphere of our influence. Reveal those needs first to the person in need. Second, reveal those needs to the Body of Christ and convict us individually to become engaged in Your plan to deliver and bring victory to whosoever will be drawn to You. All this I ask in the Name of Jesus! Amen” 

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