Sunday, January 19, 2025

When Something Is Just Not Right! by Myra Boozer

If you ever feel that something is just not right, maybe you feel a little anxious, fretful, or uncertain about things and you just can't put your finger on it. I have found the answer. Get into worship and let the Glory of The Lord come down giving you a refreshing that comes from His presence. If that doesn't work, just talk to Him one-on-one, asking Him if there is anything in your life that is not pleasing to Him...maybe your attitude, your actions, or your inability to trust Him. Learn to love the closeness that worship and prayer bring. Sometimes it takes effort and discipline, especially in the beginning. We are His children and sometimes children don't always make the right choices. So we must ask if we don't already know, "God what is wrong in my life?"

This world is a headache sometimes, well all the time...but God desires that we overcome the world. Don't get caught up in the worldly system or the SIN that is so prevalent and very seductive. It can reel you in and take over quickly, putting your life in a state of turmoil and real danger. Instead, you can experience wonderful fellowship with the Lord and cast off all the heaviness the world throws at you.

We must remember the physical freedom that we hold so dear costs a great price. Our forefathers suffered and many died because they dared to declare Independence from the mother country England. Our Freedom is not costs and is still costing. “God help us to know that our Freedom in You cost Your only Son, Jesus.” Oh, how He loves us and we must not trample His mercy as we see some who trample our American Flag and our American Heritage.

Stand firm in the things God has shown you in His Word. Live true to the standard He has set for you to live by. The Bible, His Word is not to be ignored, pushed aside, or rearranged to fit one's lifestyle. Understand there is Life in the boundaries and guidelines of His Word. There is protection from shame and disgrace. There is forgiveness and freedom in His mercy. There is transformation from a drab and hopeless life to a life of overflowing joy and peace, even in the midst of trouble. It can happen when you open your heart with confession instead of trying to keep secrets from the Lord. He sees all anyway...we can't hide anything from Him. He so desires for us to come as a little child and give him our heart, our worship, and our allegiance. He will make all things new in our life as only He the Creator of all things can do! 

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