Friday, January 24, 2025

When Doors Close! by Myra Boozer

When all doors seem to close...and you know that God has spoken and given you a "Word"... a Word from His heart and you know there are people who need to hear that word...What do you do? Do you just back down and say maybe it was just my imagination? Maybe I was wrong, maybe I didn't hear correctly. NO, a thousand times no! You must be persistent! You must stand your ground against defeat. You must not waver because when God gives a Word, He will make a way for it to go forward for His intended purpose. So, when the doors seem to close in front of you, look for a window and begin to shout loud and clear the message God gave you. It will NOT return void or empty but it will touch, inspire, or encourage someone. Don't grow weary when doing God's will...for in His Time He will exalt you and show the world those who are His! 

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