God changes you, accept the FACT that you have been changed, not of yourself,
but by His Transforming Power. You must have your mind made up to never go back
to your old ways of foolish habits and careless living. They only lead you back
down the same old path reaping the same old results, and in the end, it is
spiritual DEATH.
to God as he speaks to your heart. Arise and be strong! Walk in the newness of
life, free from the bondage of sin and evil. Never offer a half-hearted life to
Christ. He requires ALL or nothing. When you give Him your ALL, make sure there
are no hidden rooms in your heart with "NO TRESPASSING" signs hung on
the doors. Begin your life with Him open and honest (He knows it already). Give
him the key to every area of your heart. This commitment will help produce a
strong desire for "NO TURNING BACK" to the old life of sin and
will wake up in a brand new world with a new attitude about life and living.
You have been bought with a price greater than the riches of heaven. The rags
of sin won't belong to a child of the King. You are royal now and you will be
clothed in royalty. Just as the King's daughter is glorious within, so are you
(Ps. 45). When you are come into his palace, you will come with gladness and
rejoicing because of the favor that God has placed on your new life in HIM.
When you know who you are, the son or daughter of the MOST HIGH GOD, your
status changes. You walk, talk, and live in a brand-new world. The old things
are passed away. When you love righteousness and hate wickedness, you're
anointed with the oil of gladness. You see things through different eyes. Where
you once lived in doubt and dread, you now live in faith and trust.
Satan comes knocking on your door telling you nothing changed when God forgave
you and gave you a new wardrobe (spiritual robe), tell him he came too late.
Because you now see him for who he is, the great deceiver. Tell him you have a
new Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. Tell him you have been washed by the blood
of the lamb and you are no longer a slave to sin.
Be blessed with the Mercy and Love of God...Acts 10:15, "Don't call something unclean if God has made it clean," NLT. You are a new creature! Walk in that newness! No Longer A Slave To Sin!
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