Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Choose The High Road! by Myra Boozer

Oh, the roads we may have all traveled at some point in our lives. Not your desired scenic routes that's for sure. You know the beautiful ones with views of a beautiful sky and mountains with rolling hills touched by rushing waters flowing over rocks and fish swimming downstream. The hills are covered with flowers blooming like they will never wither and die. The clouds exploding like cotton candy upon a sea of deep blue waters.

No, not all roads are the same. Some roads lead us down paths of darkness and emptiness where it seems no living creature has ever been before. You feel as though you are the first explorer, traveling where NO one has ever trod. The paths are all covered with briers and debris that seems to have never been disturbed with nothing growing or blooming. It is barren of beauty because it is hidden by dark and heavy clouds, rumbling with the force of a storm and so frightful. These are the roads that can seem to never end. They certainly don't lead to where you had intended.

There are many tears of sorrow on this road, causing your vision to be blurred and dimmed. Sometimes causing you to make wrong judgments and decisions. Also, bad vision can make you see things that are not really there. At other times you don't see what is actually happening.

Be warned! Don't give in to the billboards that have been posted by Satan along the way. Those that promise quick relief to numb your pain. They will leave you a crumpled heap in the ditch. Look up above all the distractions, and please don't pick up any hitchhiker by the name of "Self- Pity" or the "Accuser." They will make your road twice as long and almost unbearable.

You must come to yourself and look further than the road your traveling. See Psalm 121:1-2 and declare, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth." Look to the one who sees the big picture, and knows you by name. He knows exactly where you made the wrong turn. Sometimes it is our not paying attention or our stubbornness to think we know the way to go without consulting our Road Map. We must come to the place that we admit we are LOST and don't know the way out of the old wilderness. We must call out in repentance, Lord, I am sorry that I missed the path you had for me. Somewhere I missed it, and I desire to be rescued from myself. I desire to be on a different road because this one is destroying me. Lord please shine your Light upon my path that I might see YOU and know your way. Lead me to a path where I can see your light and feel the suns rays upon my face, touching me with Your love and mercy and giving me direction for my life. I am so sorry for my sin and I want it to be repulsive to me so that I never turn back to my old ways. I want you to change me and make me new. Help me to have a love and desire for you that will quench all hunger and thirst for unrighteousness. Change my desires to want more and more of you Lord, until I meet You on that Day when you come to claim your own...

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