Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Message! part 2 /Judgment part 1

I have identified at least five different themes contained within the Lambert prophecy. I have noted them as follows: Judgment, Harvest, Preservation of the Bride, Restoration of Israel, Intercessory prayer.

When I began to study the prophecy, my heart became weighted down with the proclamation of coming judgment. During a time of prayer, I opened my bible to John chapter 19 and began to read. The Lord spoke to me as I began to read verse 11. “...Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above:..”

Pilot's statement had been, “...I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release thee.” Jesus' reply was, you “...have no power...except it were given thee from above...” Pilot desperately wanted to release Jesus. But that was not the plan of God. That power was given to Pilot for God's purposes which made the death of Jesus necessary. As I meditated on these verses the Lord said, “You cannot change what is to come, only your response to it. You can be defeated by it (Judgment, my words added) or RISE above it.”

I have asked myself repeatedly “Why judgment?” There has to be a reason for such a consuming work of God! One conclusion is that the work of the Holy Spirit will reveal sin and lead to repentance and obedience.

Lord God Almighty, Father God, Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Almighty Creator Jehovah, I come in the name of your only begotten Son, Jesus. I thank you for the light of a new day and for the rest of a peaceful night. Thank you for Providential guidance and revelation. Thank you for the Peace that passeth all human understanding which is the experience of a right relationship with you. It is there that we take shelter from the raging storm of this world. Lord we ask you to open our ears to hear, our minds to understand and our hearts to embrace your truth.

Lance Lambert prophecy - 11/2/98, 1st paragraph
"My anger is stirred up, says the LORD, against the nations; for they are dividing My land and seeking to destroy My heritage. My furious anger is like a boiling cauldron against those powerful states that have produced such strategies, and who by pressure and manipulation are seeking to implement them. Now I will become their enemy, says the LORD, and I will judge them with natural disasters, by physical catastrophes, by fire, by flood, by earthquake and by eruptions. I will touch the seas, and the atmosphere, the earth and all that is within them. Moreover, I will touch them where it will hurt them the most, for I will touch their power and the foundations of their affluence and prosperity. I will smash their prosperous economies, says the LORD. They sit like potentates, so safe, so secure, believing in their own cleverness and wisdom and power; but I, the LORD, I will cause them to stumble. I will lead them into confusion and disorder. I will blind them and delude them so that they will make mistakes because they have not regarded Me, nor honoured Me; but rather they have devalued Me, deriding My word and ignoring My covenants."

The Lord God is angry at the nations for their efforts in dividing the land of Israel. After WWII, Palestine was a colony of Great Britain. They used Palestine to begin relocating the displaced Jews from WWII. The problem has been that the Jews displaced the Palestinians and that created animosity and hatred between the two. Consequently the political climate became so volatile that Great Britain gave up sovereign control of the area and left Israel and the Arabs to fight it out. When Great Britain pulled out of the area, the leadership of Israel drafted a declaration of independence and presented it to the UN. They were affirmed by the UN as a nation in 1948.

The Arab nations surrounding Israel immediately began an offensive effort to eliminate the nation and the people. But the birth of the nation in 1948 was to be the beginning of the restoration of the latter days Israel as promised by the Old Testament prophets. Through miracle after miracle by God's Divine intervention, Israel has sustained their destiny. The invading nations surrendered one by one and the whole world knew that Israel was reborn.

Since 1948, the sovereignty of Israel has be challenged numerous times. But always God has given them the victory. Why? Because he has not forgotten His covenant with Abraham. He will restore the whole of Palestine to Israel. He gave it to Abraham. After 400 years of exile in Egypt, Moses led them back and Joshua led them in. They are there and they will stay there!
(continued to part 2)

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