Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Will You Hear His Voice?

Revelation 2:7, “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.”

God wants to prepare us for what is just ahead but many cannot hear. Why can they not hear? They hear the words, only the words! The Gospel is being preached! The Holy Ghost is warning of end-time events! But they are listening with their ears. In Mark 8:18 Jesus said, they have eyes to see but cannot see, they have ears to hear but cannot hear. Just as that generation who heard the message of Jesus, rejected the truth of the Gospel, many will hear this message and reject it. What happened to that generation? They missed their opportunity for salvation and deliverance by their Messiah because their religion closed their spiritual eyes and ears. I fear that there are some today who will miss this great opportunity to see the unrestrained revelation of the rapturing Jesus because their religion has closed their eyes and ears to the Truth. Jesus is coming soon.  Are you ready? Are you ready to receive the Truth? Get ready and stay ready!

“Father God, Lord Jesus Christ, I ask YOU to prepare our hearts to receive what YOU have prepared for us in this hour. I ask that YOU remove any obstruction that would prevent us from receiving YOUR Revelation. Take this fresh lump of clay and begin to fashion anew the vessel of YOUR desire in us.” 

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