Saturday, March 8, 2025

Lion Of Judah Roar! by Myra Boozer

Joel 3:16, "The LORD also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heaven and the earth shall shake: but the LORD will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel."

Lion of Judah roar against our enemies...

Those who rise up against righteousness…

The enemies who raise their ugly heads against your people, God...Those who mock and scorn the Name of Jesus...Those who continue to call good evil and evil good.

Roar with a great sound that every enemy will tremble and fall on their face in repentance.

Roar against the addictions of drugs, alcohol, and sex.

Roar against cancer that has no respect of person, young or old, rich or poor.

Roar against this world of deception and lies that many of the youth are falling for.

Roar against the parents who neglect and abuse their precious babies and children.

Roar against sexual sins, all of them, including adultery, fornication, homosexuality, pornography, sex trade, prostitution, and pedophilia.

Roar Lord, in the face of the cold-hearted employers who put unfair expectations on their employees.

Roar against those who declare that abortion should be acceptable and legal, saying that the babies they carry inside their bodies have no value.

Roar Lord, against the evil that has risen up to take the lives of our school children.

Roar Lord, against the preacher who no longer preaches the Truth to his congregation.

Roar against those who take possession of things that do not belong to them.

Roar against those leaders of our country who promote and partake in sinful deeds in any measure.

Roar against the people who bear your Name and live ungodly lives.

Roar against those who have made a covenant in marriage and are unfaithful to their spouse...Lion Of Judah! Roar!

(Taken partially from TSC Prayer Service) 

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