Monday, December 9, 2024

You (Jesus) Came Wrapped In Humanity! by Myra Boozer

GLORY to GOD in the highest and PEACE on earth to men! "MAY the song the Angels sang stir our HEARTS again," Helen Steiner Rice.

The shepherds, poor as they were, got to see the NATIVITY right up front. Had Jesus been born in the Inn where it was all warm and cozy, the shepherds would not have been allowed to enter. They were stinky, no doubt, for they had been in the fields working and caring for the sheep. God knew this all the time even before He allowed His precious Son to be wrapped in humanity and come to the earth. God had every person in mind when it came to offering His Son, the perfect sacrifice for all sin. He knew His Son would be offered on level ground for ALL, not just a few or the elite but for All men everywhere.

For some reason, the shepherds touch my heart more than the Kings. Maybe I can identify with them more because I have never been wealthy or royal. I have just been an ordinary person. Amazing, no one was left out from the lowly stinky people right up to royalty. Yes, JESUS CAME FOR EACH AND EVERYONE. But they all bowed down to this Holy Child, not because Mary and Joseph required it but because of REVELATION. The Shepherds had been visited by the Angels telling them to not be afraid but to go and see the Christ Child. The Kings knew the scripture from the prophets that a Child would be born and they were to follow the star leading them to the BABY JESUS.

Lord, I pray this year more than ever that men and women, boys and girls would receive a revelation of Your Coming to earth as a Baby and bow in humble adoration before YOU. You grew into a strong young man who willingly laid down Your life for all. Who also arose on the third day, overcoming death, hell, and the grave, making it possible for us to be part of the Resurrection Day that is coming soon. When those who are alive and remain will be caught up with those who have died and forever we will be with YOU in Your HOME. No, it will not be a stable, it will be a Palace of great splendor. You are the King of Kings and we will BOW before you. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." Luke 2:14 KJV 

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