Saturday, December 14, 2024

The Day Truth Came To Live Among Us!

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy.

Do you hear what I hear,

ringing through the sky, shepherd boy,

Do you hear what I hear,

a song, a song, high above the trees,

With a voice as big as the sea,

With a voice as big as the sea.

And so goes the lyrics of a classic version of a favorite Christmas carol. The inspired thought is that all creation heralds the birth of God's greatest gift to mankind. The little lamb in the stable depicts the lowly birth of the King. The glorious news would not be concealed in the humble stable but has become a universal message of hope. The Good News, first proclaimed by the glorious host of heaven, embraced by the common shepherd in the field, and spread abroad by them as they went, has become the message to all people. A song trumpeted “high above the trees” resounding to the throne of heaven, “with a voice as big as the sea.” The song goes forth with such a thunderous roar, “with a voice as big as the sea,” that all other songs cease to exist for His voice condemns them to silence.

This is the message of Christmas! It has echoed across history for over 2000 years. It is a message of celebration for the gift of God's only begotten Son, given for the salvation of man. We have been given an enormous, undeserved gift. Let us not spurn the grace of God by rejecting His mercy. That is the song the angels sang “The day that Truth came to live among us.”

May your Christmas be filled with reverent awe and hear His “voice as big as the sea!”

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