Thursday, May 16, 2024

Do You Know The Love Of Jesus? by Myra Boozer

Do you know the love of Jesus? Has He come into your life and brought peace where confusion and turmoil once lived? Has He come with His whisper of the love that He has for you and your family? Has He given you joy beyond measure, sharing with you the abundance of the heavenly rain that covers all souls that delight in Him? Do you feel His arms of security and confidence in His plan for your life, instead of feeling like a lost ship on the sea of time? Do you awake each morning with the hope that today you will be able to share the good news with the world that so desperately needs it...all because you know JESUS, the author of good news? Do you have a laughter that comes from a deep, deep well of living water that springs forth giving life?

 Do you know the love of Jesus? The compassionate one who feels every heartache, and sees every tear that falls from your eyes. Do you know this man who gave His very life so that you would not have to receive punishment for the sin of Adam that is born in each of us? Do you know Him? Do you know that He is coming to take those who love Him to live with Him forever in a place that eyes have not seen and ears have not heard? There is nothing on earth to even compare.

Jesus is the one who picks me up and turns me around. He puts me on solid ground when I feel dizzy from the hustle of this life. He is the one I depend on to give me strength. He is the one who gives me HOPE that no matter what may come, no matter what may happen I can be FAITHFUL to Him and TRUST Him for the outcome. Do You Know The Love Of Jesus? 

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