Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A Show Of Great Splendor! by Myra Boozer

Today as I was in prayer for my family, my country, and my friends I was made aware of something beautiful. I was walking thru the house praying instead of being shut up in the bath room. Since Papa was out on a job and Beckett was with his Mom, I had the house to myself, just me and God. I was almost finished praying when I looked out the front and saw the dead, dead grass, which is sad looking, to say the least. But on that grass was a classical show of great splendor! It touched my heart so much. I counted 2 bright red birds and 3 female red birds. 2 huge blue jays, came swooping down and on one side of the huge maple tree was a wood pecker. And on the other side was a very fast and furious long tail squirrel. That was a total 9 creatures that were desperate to find something on the ground or on the tree.

I thought how beautiful as they were about the business for which God created them. They reminded me of us, the people that God created. We are much like these little creatures, running to and fro as fast and determined as they were. But, I thought are they finding anything to sustain them? Everything looks so hopelessly dead! Are we finding anything to sustain us? We must not give up on God. He, that created us, will provide for us just as he takes care of the little creatures on my front lawn. "When we know God is our Father... all is well! "


I must add something that has been on my mind since last week’s classical show of great splendor. I went back several times that day to the window. I wanted to see the display of life on the front lawn again. I did not see any of the birds or squirrels. It was so barren of life. It was so still, no movement, nothing going on. My heart was sad! Where had they gone? They were no where to be seen.

I actually just went to look one more time this morning, still nothing moving around. All this caused me to think. One Glorious Day, we too will be gone from this earth. We will receive the promise of the return of Jesus. It will happen in the moment and the twinkling of an eye. 1 Thessalonians 4:16, “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” And I love verse 18, “Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” I send you comfort this morning! We are leaving this world of sin and sorrow! When we know God is the Victor, all is well! 

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