Tuesday, November 27, 2018

God Will Judge Sin!

Evil and sin have come upon us like a mighty hurricane, moving slowly and methodically destroying everything in its path. Destruction howls like the wind, undermining the very foundation of all that we admire and trust. Evil lurches out of the darkness devouring the cohesiveness of love, trust, and communication creating walls of isolation, unbelief, and contempt. The darkness has hidden the principles upon which our very existence is founded. Evil strikes at the heart of the governing bodies of our societies and has infected every level of governance reaching even to “spiritual wickedness in high places.” Eph. 6:12

Our leaders and policymakers have forgotten that the education of our children will affect our nation and ultimately the world. What we teach in our homes, churches, schools, and universities will establish the mindset for succeeding generations.

The guiding principles of our forefathers are strategic and indispensable elements to the continued survival of this nation as we have known it. This nation was established as a democracy with governance by the people and for the people. The ideals of love of God and country have sustained us in all our conflict throughout our history. If we allow the principles of personal freedom and liberty to be diluted and discarded, we will pay the price in defeat and ruin.

We are setting the standard for the next generation. A people that reject God will be given over to their own devices and suffer the consequences. We cannot allow the name of God and Jesus to be demeaned and degraded. We must hold to the standard that God has given for us. We must follow God!

The structure of the family has disintegrated because we have not followed God. The health of our churches has diminished and some have even expired because we have not followed God. Every institution, every governing body at every level has depreciated in value and relevance because we have not followed God.

Is that what we want as a nation? Do we want to be abandoned by our Creator and go it all alone? I think not. So then, what are we to do? Moral fortitude and intellectual rhetoric cannot address the plague of sin that has consumed mankind. The answers cannot be legislated, addressed by executive order or by a ruling by the highest court in the land. None of these actions can put us back on course as the human race.

I hear the Holy Spirit saying, “you can't think your way out of this. You can't buy or spend your way out. You can't bargain, barter or compromise.” We must return to the TRUTH or go down with the sinking ship. We can carry on our religious events void of the inspiration and revelation of God or we can repent and allow God to forgive our sin and heal our land. The choice is ours as an individual, as a nation, and as the entire world. (continued)

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