Sunday, March 19, 2017

OH GOD! I'm Coming Home!

Today I am thinking especially of this nation, the United States of America. Since it's foundation, this nation has been blessed of God. He has nurtured and parented our precious democracy from its infancy. I am convinced that He has done so because of the principles of freedom to worship and follow God. In the beginning we were united as a nation under the principles of God's law with the freedom to serve Him according to the dictates of one's own heart.

That America does not exist anymore. It is only a memory passing swiftly into history. Rather than embracing the influence of God and the Bible in our governance, America has chosen her own path, charting a course devoid of the leadership of God. Any reference to God in the affairs of the nation has been frowned upon if not expressly forbidden. I believe that God has taken the hint. I think He has gotten the message that He has not been wanted in America. So, He has left us to own devices, creating our problems and finding our solutions. Therefore, as with all governance void of the influence of God, we are headed for a tragic end.

However, we must not proceed along this path any further. We hold the future of this great Republic in our hands! God said in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” God’s declaration was in response to the prayer of Solomon at the dedication of the new Temple. In the preceding verses, God had renewed His covenant with David’s son, Solomon and confirmed to Solomon, v.12 “...I have heard thy prayer, and have chosen this place to myself for an house of sacrifice.” Affirming yet once more that if Israel walked in His statutes, He would be their God and they would be His people. In v.13, He assured His people, “If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people;” if they would humble themselves and seek His direction, He would hear their prayers and guide them to their deliverance.

That is where we are in this nation. God is giving us an opportunity to seek His direction and follow His leading. Now is the time to come together and pray. Now is the time to lay aside the ideals that may divide us and allow God to give us the solution to our dilemma. God has the right answer and it is of eternal consequence. My prayer today is that the Holy Spirit would blow upon this nation and as the wind moves the mighty oak, that Americans as one collective body would bow low in convicted repentance. I ask God to break the obstinate rebellion that has seized the mind, heart and soul of so many. Bring America to her knees once again for it is there that we will find our true purpose in God's plan. OH GOD! We’re Coming Home!

The words of an old song comes to mind, “I have returned to the God of my father, Creator of heaven and earth, God of the universe; He's Jesus to me, Eternal Deity; Praise His name, I have returned.” I have included the address for the entire song here: Copy and paste.

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