day we will throw off this mortal man, this fleshly body we live in,
and we will put on the immortal man, the one that never dies. But, until that
time we stay in a battle. Our fleshly man is warring against our spiritual man.
Christians, we must keep the fleshly, carnal man under subjection. He is NOT to
rule our life because our spiritual man is to guide us! We must surrender our
thoughts, our plans, and our desires to Jesus. He will help us to make wise
choices and decisions.
We can't feed the carnal man all the things he desires, such as, "do whatever
feels good," "fit in with the crowd," "live it up while you
can," and "remember life is short and you deserve everything you can
get." When these thoughts are accepted as the way to live, you make your
carnal man to be the STRONG man.
we feed the spiritual man what he desires, He will feast on God's word, His
commandments, His Truth, and His Love. We will make sacrifices, give time to
love others, and deny ourselves. We will speak when the Spirit says to speak and
be silent when He says to be silent. We will yield ourselves to be a vessel
unto honor.
will live a life not for ourselves but for JESUS. He will be the STRONG man in
our lives. You may think it hasn't been that important up till now. But, the
battle is getting stronger each day that passes. Your spirit man may have had a
little strength but it is time for MUCH strength. The carnal man is not even a
candidate for this battle because it is a great Spiritual battle! This is a
battle that will not be fought in the natural or physical body. It is
definitely fought in the Spirit!
Romans 8:6, “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” There Is A War Going On!