Thursday, December 10, 2015

Build up the Breach!

Repent and return to the Lord were absolutes in the salvation of Israel and it is the same today. My heart aches for the people in California and their loss this past week. I feel for the people of Paris and the nation of France. Leadership is to be commended for their resolve to seek out those responsible for these terrible acts and to attend to the loss and healing of their people. But they must not stop there. They must ask the difficult questions. How did this happen with such a tragic loss of life and with the perpetrators apparently moving about with impunity? Were there warning signs that were not taken seriously or missed altogether? Hopefully they will examine contingency plans for such a catastrophe and invoke any changes necessary.

Once again the world is afforded another opportunity to evaluate where we are in the scope of eternity. We cannot allow these events to pass us by without serious introspection. In the wake of 9/11, the American resolve was to seek out those responsible and to attend to the loss and healing of the nation. The lesson that we all should have learned is that human tragedy cannot be resolved by physical strength and determination alone. When examined all together, we must conclude that this is a spiritual issue evolving from an erroneous religious ideology. The combination of carnal thought and religious ideology creates extremists views and activity. The only way to successfully curtail such a movement is through enlightenment. Truth dispels deception just as light dispels darkness. Success is incumbent upon those who are willing to embrace the truth, make the correct but difficult decisions and become the example for all to see.

The United States as a people had the opportunity after 9/11 to become a light to the world. And for a brief moment we thought that an awakening was in process, that we the people would be enlightened to serve our true place and purpose in the world. For a short time people went to their knees in prayer, church attendance increased and the name of Jesus and God were invoked in the public arena.

George Barna himself said: "After the attack, millions of nominally churched or generally irreligious Americans were desperately seeking something that would restore stability and a sense of meaning to life. Fortunately, many of them turned to the church." Unfortunately, he said, "churches succeeded at putting on a friendly face but failed at motivating the vast majority of spiritual explorers to connect with Christ in a more intimate or intense manner."

So, within a few weeks, we went back to the way we were before this horrible and tragic event. There was no appreciable change in the life of the average U.S. citizen but the landscape of this country and the world was changed forever. We know now that this was only the beginning of horrific events that would continue to plague our world to this present day. And we can also know that it is not over. The recent attacks in Egypt, Lebanon, Paris and California are a statement to Europe, the Western nations and the world that there is no place that is immune to the affect of radical Islamic terrorism.

I am compelled by the Spirit to ponder what would have happened if we had stayed on our knees in prevailing prayer seeking for the divine intervention we so desperately needed? Would circumstances be any different than they are today? Only God knows for sure but the Word of God advocates for the idea that man controls his own destiny. Our obedience to God's leading determines the outcome. As individuals and governments we will determine our future. Yes, prophecies will be fulfilled as written and the end will come just as prophesied, but we will determine the role we play by our obedience to God or lack thereof.

The world is not only faced with a war of religious extremism but this is a spiritual war. We are fighting against the ruler of the darkness of this world. Satan is behind all this chaos. He is the enemy and his goal is to destroy the soul and body of all men. But the army of Jesus Christ must rise up against him. How you may ask? We must have the direction of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has empowered His Body to fulfill His ministry in this world. We need the Holy Spirit to give us specific instructions to combat the enemy. Human resolve and determination alone cannot win this war. We must have the Holy Spirit to help us understand the enemy and develop a plan that will lead us to victory.

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