Lord, what do we tell the hurting people today? Peace is a river that flows from the Throne of God...
It is full, free and fresh... It brings life and gives energy...Only this Peace is worth seeking, don't look in other directions ...for help...It is not sufficient, it is useless and worthless...Defiled and will bring a false peace...The soul of man cannot survive on any other source, other than the True and Living waters that flow from the Throne of God...Seek God and He will give you a Peace that passes all our human understanding. He alone is the PURIFIED WATER ...that will quince your soul and bring you PEACE today.
It is full, free and fresh... It brings life and gives energy...Only this Peace is worth seeking, don't look in other directions ...for help...It is not sufficient, it is useless and worthless...Defiled and will bring a false peace...The soul of man cannot survive on any other source, other than the True and Living waters that flow from the Throne of God...Seek God and He will give you a Peace that passes all our human understanding. He alone is the PURIFIED WATER ...that will quince your soul and bring you PEACE today.