Hebrews 9:28, "So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation."
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Prayer for Today - Seeking Divine Revelation!
Lord Jesus, open our hearts, our minds, our souls to hear your voice today! We need your revelation of your plan. We are not seeking a fleshly understanding of mortal research. We are seeking Divine revelation of the Word of God. The same revelation the Old Testament prophets experienced as they walked in obedience and depended upon the impartation of your instruction and anointing to bring a relevant Word of God to the people of God. The same revelation that the New Testament apostles experienced as you called them out and set them apart to be your voice for your message to a world in crisis, lost, without hope except for Jesus' sacrifice. Holy Spirit take charge of this mortal flesh. Lead us along the correct path to receiving God's revelation and understanding of the Word relevant to where we are today. We are not seeking insight built upon human understanding because that is empty and fruitless. The revelation of your truth passes all human understanding far above this world's knowledge. The hope of our heart and our soul's desire is to receive and impart your truth. Your truth delivers the sin sick soul, frees the shackled and heals the wounded heart. Lord, revive your Word afresh in our souls and lead us to those in need. Lead us Lord and we will follow where ever you open up the door.
In Jesus' name! Amen
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Treasures of the Heart! by Myra Boozer
" My Son (or Daughter) , if you receive my words and treasure my
commands within you, so that you incline your ear to wisdom and apply
your heart to understanding, if you seek her as silver, and search for
her as for hidden Treasures; then you will understand the fear of the
Lord and find the Knowledge of God” Proverbs 2:1
The things that I love and hold dear to my heart are just borrowed they're not mine at all.... Jesus only let me use them to brighten my life ... So remind me , remind me dear Lord.... The words of an old song... hold true today.... I have loved and held many things close to my heart for I have had so many blessings and material goods, No, I am not wealthy, compared to some.. But compared to others , I am.... I have had my share of the comforts of life... not extravagant things but enjoyable things.... some have been very useful and some just pretty to look at and some just plain and simple little treasures .... But things are just that .. they are “Things” things that can be replaced if lost or stolen..... because things are disposable and transferable but they are things... Sometimes things get in the way of what is important... They can become too important and take our time and energy away from what really counts...I am learning to lay them down...day by day they are loosing their value to me.... I have been letting them go from my heart for some time now ... because I will not take them with me, they have served their purpose thus far, and I am thankful for all I have been given to enjoy along the way...
I have always tried to keep my head on straight as for as what I spend my money for ... and for many years what my husband had to work for because I didn’t always have my own money ... I have tried to be very saving and practical ... you know the bargain hunter kind of person.... but even at a bargain the “things” you have become a part of you .... You become familiar with them and they sometimes become “treasures” ... They may not be worth much to anyone else but you, but they are special... Well, I have had lots of those special things, hidden away in old hat boxes or the dresser drawers and in closets....even under the beds... Things I saved from our only little boy , baby clothes , little cars and things he saved thru the years... Things that make you smile, like a costume I made him for his 1st grade play... and pictures he drew of his house, family and the neighbors dog ... that stayed at our house, because he loved it so much... You know “ treasures”..... I don’t plan on throwing them out... but my heart is letting go....
The things that I love and hold dear to my heart are just borrowed they're not mine at all.... Jesus only let me use them to brighten my life ... So remind me , remind me dear Lord.... The words of an old song... hold true today.... I have loved and held many things close to my heart for I have had so many blessings and material goods, No, I am not wealthy, compared to some.. But compared to others , I am.... I have had my share of the comforts of life... not extravagant things but enjoyable things.... some have been very useful and some just pretty to look at and some just plain and simple little treasures .... But things are just that .. they are “Things” things that can be replaced if lost or stolen..... because things are disposable and transferable but they are things... Sometimes things get in the way of what is important... They can become too important and take our time and energy away from what really counts...I am learning to lay them down...day by day they are loosing their value to me.... I have been letting them go from my heart for some time now ... because I will not take them with me, they have served their purpose thus far, and I am thankful for all I have been given to enjoy along the way...
I have always tried to keep my head on straight as for as what I spend my money for ... and for many years what my husband had to work for because I didn’t always have my own money ... I have tried to be very saving and practical ... you know the bargain hunter kind of person.... but even at a bargain the “things” you have become a part of you .... You become familiar with them and they sometimes become “treasures” ... They may not be worth much to anyone else but you, but they are special... Well, I have had lots of those special things, hidden away in old hat boxes or the dresser drawers and in closets....even under the beds... Things I saved from our only little boy , baby clothes , little cars and things he saved thru the years... Things that make you smile, like a costume I made him for his 1st grade play... and pictures he drew of his house, family and the neighbors dog ... that stayed at our house, because he loved it so much... You know “ treasures”..... I don’t plan on throwing them out... but my heart is letting go....
I think I understand what the purpose is for letting go .... It isn’t wrong to have things but it is wrong for things to have us ..... when what we have and what we do is about things and we just want to live on and on so we can secure and protect our treasures , we need to release them ....There are no U-hauls in heaven... I don’t want the tears that will be wiped away from my eyes to be about the “things “ I had accumulated and left behind....
“love not the world neither the things that are in the world”...... I am letting go! The greatest treasures I have are my precious Family, My Relationship with the Lord and the understanding I have of His Word... I celebrate the fact that He died , that I might live and that has nothing to do with “things”....That is my greatest treasure !! And that my friend I must hold on too for ever and NEVER LET GO... “ for where your Treasure is, there your Heart will be also”.... myra
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Go Back to the Beginning!
John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
Go back to the beginning, to the beginning of what? Go back to the inception of the vision. What about the vision must receive my attention? In the beginning it was all about God's truth. We must allow the Holy Spirit to open the windows of our soul to the revelation of His perfect truth.
John 1:14, “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” Jesus is the focus here. The Word was made flesh and lived among mortal flesh. The Greek term for “word” is “logos.” Revelation is the idea contained in the perception of “logos.” Therefore we can conclude that the essence of Christ is fully accessible by mortal flesh through the medium of the Holy Spirit.
What does that mean to us? It is important for us to understand that God, in all his awesomeness, is fully approachable through Jesus Christ. Ryrie says that the logos concept, “here is applied to Jesus who is all that God is and an expression of him. The Word is said to be with God (IE., in communion with and yet distinct from God) and to be God (IE., identical in essence with God) Jn. 1:1.”
We don't need to back away from the mountain of God in fear of His presence. The Israelites recoiled in fear at the manifest presence of God on Mt. Sinai and for good reason. They had witnessed the powerfulness of God. They had seen with their own eyes what He could do. So, God placed a boundary at the foot of the mountain. The Israelites had to communicate with God through a mediator. God gave His instructions to the Israelites through Moses.
But, we have no need to be fearful and afraid. Jesus became our mediator with God when we accepted His sacrifice at Calvary. Because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ we have the boldness to draw near to God and through our mediator, Jesus, we bring our petitions to Him. This is a very important attribute of our relationship with God but it is becoming increasingly more crucial with the passing of every day. The revelation and leading of the Lord is absolutely indispensable today and in the coming days.
Go back to the beginning. The beginning is the revelation, the vision, the dream, the communication of heaven. John 1:1-18 is the revelation of Jesus as the unmistakable Son of God. God would have every generation experience Divine relationship with Him through faith in Jesus Christ. One attribute of that relationship is revelation and guidance. He will remove all barriers and obstacles for all who will repent and believe.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Daniel Did as Before!
Daniel 6:10, "Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his
house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he
kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks
before his God, as he did aforetime."
The prophet Daniel was not so different from you and me. He lived in a time of displacement and captivity for his people. He struggled to remain at peace with his captors and remain true to the Lord God Jehovah. But, when he was forced to make a choice, he always chose God.
When Daniel knew that the decree was signed forbidding anyone to pray to any other god except King Darius, Daniel made a open show of his allegiance to God (Daniel 6:10). He went into his house, opened his windows toward Jerusalem, knelt down and prayed. He did so three times each day and gave thanks to God as he had done before. He was persecuted by his captors for his disobedience but God protected Him. It was during this time of intense trial that God revealed prophecies of the future for the nation of Israel. The most relevant to his time being chapter 9:2 revealing the prophecy of Jeremiah that the seventy years of captivity was almost complete. One principle that we can take away from Daniel's experience is that God reveals Himself and our future in Him during times of our intense trial. It is during those times that we seek guidance and rely so heavily upon Him. He uses our faith and dependence to lead us into our future.
Daniel prayed as before! His prayer life was the foundation for his existence both present and future. When the enemy tested his love and loyalty to God, Daniel continued doing what he did every day. The die was cast and the pattern established. Therefore, Daniel held to his faith in God and God delivered him.
The substance of our life in Christ must be established before the storm comes. We must know that the foundation of our life is built upon Jesus Christ and all other ground is sinking sand. Therefore, when the trials of life test us, we continue doing what we have always done. We pray and trust God as we always have done and God will deliver us once again!
Lord Jesus, help us to pray like Daniel prayed. Help us to trust like Daniel trusted. Help us to be delivered like Daniel was delivered. Thank you Lord for the power of your promises. Direct our steps to walk in your word and experience the power of your promises. Order our steps that we may walk in your perfect peace. In Jesus' name! Amen
The prophet Daniel was not so different from you and me. He lived in a time of displacement and captivity for his people. He struggled to remain at peace with his captors and remain true to the Lord God Jehovah. But, when he was forced to make a choice, he always chose God.
When Daniel knew that the decree was signed forbidding anyone to pray to any other god except King Darius, Daniel made a open show of his allegiance to God (Daniel 6:10). He went into his house, opened his windows toward Jerusalem, knelt down and prayed. He did so three times each day and gave thanks to God as he had done before. He was persecuted by his captors for his disobedience but God protected Him. It was during this time of intense trial that God revealed prophecies of the future for the nation of Israel. The most relevant to his time being chapter 9:2 revealing the prophecy of Jeremiah that the seventy years of captivity was almost complete. One principle that we can take away from Daniel's experience is that God reveals Himself and our future in Him during times of our intense trial. It is during those times that we seek guidance and rely so heavily upon Him. He uses our faith and dependence to lead us into our future.
Daniel prayed as before! His prayer life was the foundation for his existence both present and future. When the enemy tested his love and loyalty to God, Daniel continued doing what he did every day. The die was cast and the pattern established. Therefore, Daniel held to his faith in God and God delivered him.
The substance of our life in Christ must be established before the storm comes. We must know that the foundation of our life is built upon Jesus Christ and all other ground is sinking sand. Therefore, when the trials of life test us, we continue doing what we have always done. We pray and trust God as we always have done and God will deliver us once again!
Lord Jesus, help us to pray like Daniel prayed. Help us to trust like Daniel trusted. Help us to be delivered like Daniel was delivered. Thank you Lord for the power of your promises. Direct our steps to walk in your word and experience the power of your promises. Order our steps that we may walk in your perfect peace. In Jesus' name! Amen
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